Can Rodger Goodell become the good guy?


This man gets boo'd every single time he walks to the podium to make his draft pick. It does not matter what state he is in, it does not matter what team has won the previous super bow, it does not matter who has the #1 pick that year, that man will be getting boo'd as if it is a family tradition to be followed. He has had some moments where he suspends players for bad reasons, making some new rules that make the games boring or frustrating to watch, and even situations not being solved until later times. But this man Rodger Goodell, might be making up a couple of rules that may have me rooting for him when he walks up to the podium to make the #1 pick instead of booing.

He finally had a moment where he did not think about a rule as a commissioner, but as a fan, which is what we all need. He knew pre season games stink and he is trying to help us all out to take away a pre season game so it is not as many, because if you are a football fan, you know you watch a little of the games then get bored and turn it off. They would instead change the pre season game into an extra regular season game for their seasons. With this, it creates a dream come true for football fans... and that means more sports.

Now this idea that Rodger Goodell is trying to do got me on my feet excited. If you ask fans for them to change one rule for all of NFL, it would be to change the day for the Super Bowl because the same thing happens every year. You eat a lot of food, you have a couple of drinks, you stay up late watching the game, and then you have to get up and wake up for work the next morning. But the problem is... it is called "Super Bowl Sunday" you cannot do it on a Saturday, it is basically a rule. So they have found a way to make it work for everyone, and to have Super Bowl Sunday on Presidents Weekend so for schools and some jobs to have off that next Monday. What an absolute blessing that would be to celebrate and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday the way it should be and then get to sleep in and chug a Gatorade that next morning. All I have to say is... C'mon Rodger, give the people what they want. 


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