There is one day every year where everyone wears green and brags to everyone saying, "I am Irish just for today!" While holding a dark beer in their hand. It is a day where people go out to bars, friend's houses, or the street, wearing green, celebrating, and being full of smiles! But there is always a couple of questions people do not know... When did this amazing celebration start? Why do we wear green? What can we do to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

The celebration started in the United States on March 17th, 1737 in Boston where they celebrated and honored St. Patrick with the Irish people in the area. They celebrated with wearing green and drinking.

People all around bars and streets are wearing just green all around and people wonder, "Why do we have to wear green? Why wear the most challenging color to find an outfit for when out?" And the answer to this is, it is a tradition and to be wearing a piece of the shamrock. People have been very creative over the years of what they wear... Some people just wear a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" T shirt, or some people literally pain themselves green chugging beers. But if you do not wear green... apparently you get pinched. And I will say to that is... If you try to pinch me, you best not miss. 

Now here is what we are all waiting for... What do you do when celebrating St. Patrick's Day? YOU DRINKS AND YOU DRINK HARD! Or that is what I see on social media every day every year. This is when you go to bars where they have beers that are green or if you are an absolute savage... You drink a Guinness beer while dancing around. There are drinking games, songs to drink to, and just time to celebrate together. The song that always gets me in the Irish spirit is Rattlin' Bog where I have no idea what is being said in the song, or the message to the song. But I know when they start talking quickly, you start drinking, and you start drinking hard. 

So you wake up this morning... You get a beer in your hand... You drink hard... And you celebrate because on March 17th, EVERYONE IS IRISH AND CELEBRATING THE GREAT DAY!


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