Barstool Free Throw Competition

I have been a huge Barstool fan for a very long time, I have watched all of their videos, bought some of their merch, and have been a supporter of the Jerry hole in one competition and not proud to say I watched around 4 hours of it. With them teaming up with Draft Kings, starting today they are doing a free throw competition where members of Barstool have to work together and make 41 consecutive free throws. There are some extra rules to it, but that is the main goal that they have. Here are the bets that Draft Kings has with it, and here are my opinions on it.

Over 2499.5 total free throws will it take before the group makes at least 41 consecutive shots: I think this competition may take forever, which I am very excited to see. I cannot see many of the members that are doing the competition to be successful with making a lot of free throws and knowing they do not practice this, they will get tired very quickly when doing it. I think they are determined though and will not give up on this competition so eventually they will succeed in it, but many shots will be up.

Titus with the most free throws: There are many high school athletes in this list of Barstool employees who are partaking in this competition, but only one of them was a college athlete and that athlete was a D1 college basketball player. I am a Michigan fan so it is tough to be rooting for an Ohio State member, but there is no way he should not have the most free throws. If he is not knowing a throwback college basketball jersey when doing this competition either, I will be very disappointed. 

Over 6.5 consecutive free throws Big Cat makes: Big Cat is going to get hot at some point during this competition and I am ready for him to hit a bunch in a row. I am hoping it even goes to plus 10. If he gets hot, I know he will keep shooting to as much as he can, he won't stop. Give me 20 in a row Big Cat! If this man can find needles in a haystack, he can shoot free throws. 

Competition to take 8-12 Hours: I am feeling this competition will be finished at 5:00 AM somehow. They will eventually find a groove after multiple hours of shooting and will get it done around that time. No, I have no real reason to why I think this will happen, I just have a feeling. 

Dave will make the least amount of free throws: I have watched this man shoot free throws and three pointers on video at the Chicago office and also at the basketball tournaments where they got some shops up before the games. This man does not have shoulders that can have him shoot the ball at all, this once baseball phenom cannot make free throws. I have seen him shoot multiple airballs, and the other shots have not been close. He still has to make the big shot eventually, but besides that, I do not think he will be taking any shots. 

The ball will get stuck in the hoop: Somebody is going to shoot the ball too hard trying to bank it and get stuck in the back corner, it will happen somehow, someway. 

Dave will mention his shoulder over 8.5 times: If this spread was over 20.5, I still would've picked the over, he literally cannot raise the ball over his head to shoot. He has to make the big shots too so I know it will be a tough shot to make and when he misses or air balls that shot, he is going to mention that shoulder immediately, every time. 

The double digit streak will happen within the first house: I think the vibes will start off great and the shots will be going in quickly, they will not break the record early... but there will be a good streak going early. Titus will hit some shots, maybe Brandon, maybe even Jerry, I can imagine they get to 15-16 early before a miss hits. 

Over 7.5 granny shots: I personally think Dave Portnoy should only shoot underhand shots. With his shoulder being that destroyed, he can practice and create a perfect underhand shot that could make it almost unstoppable. Some people may do it just for fun too, but I think no matter what, it will hit the over 7.5. 

Dave will make the 41st shot first try: The man may have broken shoulders, the man may not be able to put the ball over his head, but since his young baseball days, he has had ice in his veins. The man will come in clutch and hit that game winning shot the first try, and I cannot wait to see it. 

Under going over 30.5 consecutive shots: I do not think people know how difficult it will be to get to 30 consecutive shots in a row. I think if they somehow make it to that point, they will make it all the way through and get to 41, but it will be beyond difficult to get to that point and hit 30 in a row. 

Over 25 times where they cannot get to over 5 free throws in a row: I am expecting MANY missed free throw shots in this competition. They have not been practicing, and they are not know for making free throws. I am expecting 2 shots to go in and then a missed one, I think it will take awhile for a streak to start for them. 

No matter what happens with these spreads in this competition, I just know it will be amazing to watch, and I am here for it. 


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