Felt like the good ole days!


I have just finished the latest new episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, "Jersey Shore Fan Club" and it had me feeling like I was 13 against waiting until late Thursday night to watch the drama filled episodes. To start off, Snooki and Vinny were not there so you know that the positive vibes have left the building. They have usually been able to keep the vibes high and make jokes even when there is serious drama going on. This drama was a more of a new generation kind but it was a pretty serious one. Angelina was messaging accounts that were her own fan club gossiping and talking crap about Sammi and it was screenshotted and sent out to the world. So called "Sammi Sweetheart" had nothing sweet to say when Angelina's boyfriend came into the room and just got shit talked to him about his girlfriend form Sam. It was very quiet, nobody was talking, no drinks in their hand, and rage on all of their faces. 

Mike, who usually solves all of the situations and tries to be the nice one. Was not always like that, he still stirs the pot still, but usually he keeps his smile and keeps his composure. But last night, fans got a little taste of the old Situation with talking shit and about to go face to face. Angelina's boyfriend was in the discussion between Mike and Angelina and saying how each of them were saying stupid stuff and got Mike frustrated. When about to leave the room, and said the lines of, "You stand there with that smug look on your face" which was the closest thing to fighting words that I have seen Mike have in years. All I have to say is, if he comes back to his old ways with the drama, everyone better buckle up for it. 

The episode ended with a great cliff hanger of Angelina and Sam in a room to have a discussion over all of the drama, and it is going to be very crazy to see. But all I can tell the fans is, get the popcorn ready. 


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