Spencer Rattler on QB1


Comparing a humbled 23 year old who has experienced so much throughout his years to a 17 year old #1 football recruit is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. Rattler has gotten drafted later than expected and rumors have occurred that many GMs did not like him because of his behavior on the television show of QB1. Things like this bother me like crazy. Imagine a situation that you were so good at being a quarterback in high school that they had a camera crew to film him and how he lived that school year. What would you expect for this kid to act?

I was watching the television show when it was coming out and I absolutely loved the show. When watching it, obviously there was one kid, who was cocky and yelling at his backup quarterback all the time telling him he sucks. Yes, that was Spencer Rattler who I am talking about. Before practice they used to have competition of offense against defense where it was 1 on 1's in the goal line and while Rattler threw perfect passes and scoring points for his offense, his backup quarterback was throwing incomplete passes and losing the offense the competition. And instead of hearing, "it's alright" or "c'mon you got it next time" all you kept hearing was, "you suck". There is 2 ways to think of this... 1.) He is not a good leader to the team and puts everyone down when he can't do well. or 2.) He has this competitiveness that is so high that all he wants to do is win. Both are not very concerning for a teenager in sports. Overall, for the rest of the show he showed characteristics of him being a leader on the team and to help out his teammates and even the backup quarterback that he kept saying he sucks. The one question I am still curious about is, "Why was he suspended for the rest of the season? What did he do?" They never talked about what he did but he had to miss the remainder of the season for a suspension that he or the school never talked about.

For a fan that was not a fan of Rattler, many people probably wanted him to be humbled. And that is exactly what happened to him in college. He went to Oklahoma, a ranked team, and was the starting quarterback for the team that was supposed to go to the College Football playoffs and even maybe win the whole thing. During one of the biggest rivalries in college football, where Oklahoma plays against Texas, he played very poorly and lost his starting position to a player you may have heard of, Caleb Williams. And if you know how he is now... Caleb did not lose that starting position for the rest of the season. Rattler then went to South Carolina and never really heard about him being cocky or a bad leader for the rest of the college career. He played well at the senior bowl as well with recruiters saying he showed his 5 star high school abilities still and can play well when he gets the chance. 

So overall in my opinion, yes Rattler probably was a cocky prick in high school football as a guy that was so good that he had a tv show following his every step as a Senior, but this man has matured and I really believe he will be successful in the NFL if he is given the right opportunity with the right team. He is with the Saints and I think that may be the right team. All I know is that GMs should never have judged a person not thinking that they can change. 


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