No Sam, You Are Not Friends with Her


Yeah yeah yeah, I still watch Jersey Shore every Thursday and love the drama every single week. It has taken many years but they have finally filled the cast of the group with every character being in this season. Even though they have not all been together in so long, the drama never changes and that is what I live for. 

The sweetheart is back... and she has came back with vengeance. It is pretty strange because Angelina is actually the sole reason why Sam has came back into the show with them becoming good friends off of the show and now they have became rivals. They started this beef between them over small comments of Sam telling Angelina, "You talk to much." or "You're acting like a baby." Where Angelina will be upset about and that is what stirs the pot. It was a little drama until this latest episode on episode 12... 

So the quick backstory to this picture and why this is so insane. When the Jersey Shore cast went to the New York Jets game, Angelina was there before the game scouting the players.. but not for their playing abilities. He was out there Instagram DM'ing Jets football players as she was watching them pre game. One of the players that he DM'd, has a wife, and that wife posted on Tik Tok informing the world that her husband got a DM from Angelina. A couple of weeks speed by... AND THE WIFE IS DOING A TIK TOK WITH SAM!!!!! Talk about the drama that has stirred between those two that will make the rest of the season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation spicy that I cannot wait to see. 

All I am going to say is that this season has began with a slow start... but it will be INTENSE throughout this season and I am here for it!


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