Betty you lied to us!


I am today years old when I have made the executive decision that I cannot trust anyone anymore. People just can lie about everything, and I am getting tired of it. Betty Crocker is a brand of easy cooking recipes for people to make at home for their families. The brand began in 1921 and has made over 200 products from family dinner meals, desserts, and many others. The brand is not something like Nike, or Dunkin Donuts, or even Olive Garden, its a persons name... so the real question is, who the heck is this Betty Crocker person?

This is the person that everyone looked up to. This is the real Betty Crocker... right? And here is the answer for everyone that for some random reason... SHE IS NOT REAL. Betty Crocker is a fictional character for the brand to market to families to make these products for their own family. So this person I have had to thank when making my meals for the family and it turns out to be some make believe character like a cartoon person? 

And another thing.... THEY HAVE NOT KEPT THE SAME CHARACTER EVERY TIME! If you at least created a marketing character for a brand, you should probably keep the same one the whole time so you can follow and know the character...But they didn't they have had many different characters for it. So overall, do not trust anyone because they will lie to you and trick you for your entire life. Sorry I had to tell you, but you all deserved the truth.


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