What to do at a casino


A casino is a magical place where all of your dreams can come true, or everything can go crashing down in literally seconds. If you are blessed enough to have the money to reasonably spend it on, it can be the greatest place to go to. There are literally unlimited options of things to do, you can never be bored, and the lights are always on. I have not be lucky enough to experience Las Vegas, but I have been to my fair share of casinos and have some experience. First time going in there, it is very overwhelming and the first thing you think to yourself is... "What do I do first?" if not "What do I do at all?" Here are a couple of my favorite things to do at this magical place that they call a casino.

Blackjack: If you can add up to the number 21... you can play the cards game of blackjack. This game is one of the best odds in all games at the casino giving the player a 42.22% chance of winning the hand, and the money you win is the amount that you give. So there are sometimes at casinos where the minimum bet is 5 dollars and you can hangout, talk with people, play, and in a worse case scenario, if you lose 20 hands in a row, you would then lose 100 dollars. Online they have the output that even shows you if you should hit or stand depending on what you have and the dealer has. This is personally my favorite thing to do at the casino because if you are thinking you are on a hot streak, you can put more money on you bet and risk to see what happens. And the overall best thing... you are given an opportunity to either split if your cards are the same, or double down and you can hit with only one card for them to give you. The excitement you have just waiting for them to put down the card you want, nothing can be better. 

Craps: This game has a bunch of rules, and many people play the game many different ways. But if you are at the casino and you are very energetic, you should play this game and talk to people around. It is the game where the players are the most talkative, and they cheer the loudest. You can also be given the opportunity where you can roll the dice until you get a 7. This is a moment where you can be a hero and go on a streak forever and just keep winning money for everyone. I have seen times where the person that rolled the dice even got money from other people that were betting because they won so much money. If you are going on a Saturday night and you want to talk to some people and have fun, craps is the game to play.

Slots: This is the one game where you can lose hundreds of dollars without even knowing it. Just like in most casino games, you can walk around and find different slot machines where all have different money you can put for each spin. The best part about slots is that if you get free games or the bonus... you can really win some big money and get the opportunity to put 3.25 in for a spin and win 7500 dollars back out, it is remarkable, and knowing that you get that chance every single time you put a spin in, gets the people wanting more. 

Roulette: You can either be dumb lucky and just keep putting money on random numbers and if that ball stops at that number, you get 35 to 1 odds. So if you put 10 dollars on a number and it hits, you will get back 350 dollars. You can also just put in and pick a color, and if that hits you can get the money you bet into it, back to you. The game is electric and is funny to see everyone having different bets and everyone is just watching this ball spin around and seeing where it will land. 

I will keep saying it, it is a magical place where you can go in there with 100 dollars and leave with 10,000 dollars, or you can lose all the money you own and leave the casino with just the clothes you have on. It is a risk of a place to go to, but the lights are always on, there are always noise somewhere, and people are partying. 


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