Love Is Blind Season 6 First Half Episodes Reaction


As I watch the first half of episodes of season 6... it has been absolutely ELECTRIC with all the drama that is going on. Some people fell in love, many people got their hearts broken, and everyone spent their time talking to a wall for many hours because that is what the television show is about. I have been obsessed with the show, but I still cannot get over the concept of it. Imagine just sitting their talking to a wall for HOURS not knowing what the other person looks like and you just talk and then somehow after a couple of days, ASK THE PERSON TO MARRY THEM!?!? How can that happen, that is absolutely insane. Before the next episodes come out tomorrow, here is a recap of what has happened in the first episodes. 

If this couple actually happened... It would've been the craziest couple in television history. AD should have known it was an immediate red flag when she told the women's group he had a good time with Matthew and every single person started laughing. Each person that has talked to Matthew previously obviously has had a terrible time talking to him and immediately did not want to talk to him again. She gave him WAYYYY too many opportunities throughout them talking. A second red flag was when he immediately said things way too lovey right when they started talking. There is a way to be kind and sweet, but there are other ways where it gets almost on the crazy side. The last red flag that could have been the deal breaker even before the other red flags are that HE WAS TELLING ANOTHER GIRL THE SAME EXACT THING. For her to even talk to him again is insane to me, but I think overall, them not matching is great for both of them and I wish them the best.

This has to be the top couple in the series. It was a perfect match right form the beginning and they both just seem like lovely, kind people. Kenneth just seems like an overall genuine person that would have been a perfect fit for anyone just because he seems like such a good guy. This is a couple I just hope they last forever and are just happy. I 1000% support this couple.
Johnny just loves singing and I hope his corny singing ability can keep winning Amy's heart. This couple was my most surprising because he proposed so early and I did not know if they would match when they actually saw each other. To my surprise, it went soo much better than I ever expected. They kind of just made out the whole time, so I guess they are very happy that they picked eachother. For Johnny, it almost sounded like a young love for him but knew what he wanted and he got it. Cheers to the happy couple. 
This is the couple everyone is talking about... Jimmy, Trevor, and the Megan Fox look alike triangle. This has to be one of the craziest couple situations I have ever seen especially how there was a 4th person also waiting. Jimmy and Chelsea were in the middle between both choices and instead of everyone being happy, they chose eachother and 2 people unfortunately left the show alone. Trevor got Chelsea so many good gifts, so caring, THEY EVEN HAD DOGS WITH THEIR NAMES HOW IS THAT NOT A PERFECT MATCH!!! And Jessica gave Jimmy this paper that was for the man of her dreams, for him to then read it and then say she isn't the one. It was absolutely insane to watch. The show has been absolutely amazing to watch, but this 4 person group has been the most exciting part of the show waiting to see who was going to choose who. Curious to see how Jimmy and Chelsea will do in the honeymoon phase because I have no idea what expect.

I probably should have watched all of the other seasons now because I am beyond obsessed with the show and if any of them are like this season, I got some catching up to do. 


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