Athletes Trying to Fight Fans


For some reason today, a couple of guys tried to go in there and fist fight with 6'5 245 Cam Newton. The man was literally doing the Superman celebration in his football career, and a couple of guys thought they could go in there and beat him up? The man won a national championship with no help in Auburn, he doesn't need help now. Looking through the video, it looks like he did not even get touched while the guys that were throwing the punches, definitely got some licks back at them. Here are a couple of times fans thought they could mess with professional athletes. 

Malice in the Palace where fans thought it was a good idea to throw sodas at professional athletes while the players are fighting. At this moment, all hell broke loose at this arena and the players ran into the stands and started throwing punches. I am a die hard Detroit sports fan, but I will take Ron Artest over any regular fan anyday. 
1979 Bruins player ran out of his penalty box and starting beating the crap out of a New York Rangers fan and nobody came in to stop them. Hockey players have to be the most physical, viscous athletes that can take the punches but can punch even harder, and those fans caught some big punches. 
Yes, I understand Khabib jumped into the stands to fight someone that also trains to fight, but knowing who this fighter is, and how well he fought against Mcgregor, why would anyone want to mess with him? If I was at a UFC fight, I wouldn't even look a fighter in the eye because I do not want any problems with them. They would have me in a choke in seconds, I would just cheer and keep my head down. 


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