Expectations for Last Episodes of Love Is Blind Season 6


So as a person who has never watched this television show until last week, I feel like a die hard fan already and I love this. The television is about single people (they say that they are single but some people lie about that) and they talk with people with a wall in-between them and see if they like them for them. Then if they match (one proposes to the other) they live with each other for a bit, then they get to see everyone that was in the show as if it is a reunion with the cast. We are at the final 3 episodes of season 6 and I am expecting MADNESS! Couples will be broken up, couples will be married, and people will be cheating on one another, I cannot wait to see what happens. Here are my expectations for the last episodes...

This photo says it all with what is going to be happening to this couple... Right when Jimmy looked at her and hugged, he knew that this was not going to last with Chelsea unfortunately. He was in the choosing between Chelsea or Jessica and he ended up choosing Chelsea, but right when he got out of the show... he 100% looked at what Jessica looked like. And he DEFINITELY liked what he saw. During the previous episodes, Jessica was talking to a friend and she was even saying that she is ready to meet Jimmy and if he breaks up with Chelsea... she is ready to swoop in to him. With the arguments and the jealousy situations, I am not expecting Chelsea and Jimmy to be walking down the isle. 

Trevor... the fan favorite of the show, is going to go in there and get Chelsea IMMEDIATELY after Jimmy leaves. I think personally when they both see the other option they could have gotten, they will regret what decision that they are in as of now. 

This couple seemed like the perfect match of Jeramy being the goofy one while Laura is the serious one. They seemed all pretty great together until they had their super awkward meeting with Laura's family and the family kept saying how this match is not going well. But you know what? It is all about what couple feels like, if they love eachother then it's fine. A small problem that did happen was, JERAMY WENT OUT TO THE BAR AND ENDED UP STAYING WITH SARAH ANN UNTIL 5 AM AND LAURA KNEW WHERE HE WAS THE ENTIRE TIME BECAUSE HE GAVE HER HIS LOCATION. Laura turned into her savage mode and was calling him about everything and Jeramy seemed to not care at all. This will be another couple that will not be walking down the isle, and I really think Jeramy will end up admitting to cheating on Laura with Sarah Ann.

I really hope this couple makes it down the isle because they seem to be doing an amazing job together. It is a little strange where he wants to be babied by her and they had a couple of arguments during a family dinner, but arguments happen. If Clay's father does not flirt with AD as much as he said that he was going to do, I think they will be fine and be able to make it down the isle together. 

This couple has had zero hiccups throughout this whole TV show. They have been vibing together, they have been having a great time with Johnny's family, they are absolutely in love. The only problem that has been happening between them is the topic about birth control and Amy can only get married to him if Amy's father gives him his permission. I feel like in a television show like this, it is tough to really believe that these people really love eachother knowing they have only experienced life together through the television show. I personally will be upset if this couple does not walk through the isle together. 

When this last 3 episodes come out tomorrow, you better buckle up, because if the season finale is even half as good as it should be.... this will be a season they will talk about forever in the Love Is Blind series.


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