Casino First Timer

 As I sit here, watching sports, wishing I was making some +10000 parlay and make it big and retire at a young age, I think about the first time I went to the casino. I went to a glorious casino in Connecticut called Foxwoods where I walk in being the big spender I am... I brought $300 for a 2 night event. There's 2 ways it could go leaving the casino after the trip; either walking out with so much money in my wallet that I couldn't close it, or, drive home hoping I have enough gas to make it home hoping I have enough food in the fridge for the week. But that first night, oh that first night was a MOVIE! And when I mean movie, I mean going from 300 to 450 so making a remarkable 150 that night. I walk into the place and I was looking like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just being in awe of everything and trying to soak it in. The bright lights, the cheers, the smell if cigarettes, feels like I was Daniel Jones in the great Metlife Stadium. I was hitting in all ends that night... Blackjack table was strong, slots were throwing me money, and the free drinks were screaming my name. I had my inner Dan Campbell and I was hitting with a 15 against a 5 and it was going my way. Me celebrating with a nice villain laugh with a mini vodka diet coke in my hand. I then went to the slots to one called quick hits. Me being like any other first timer, I click on max hit, and all you see is your total go down 4 dollars and 50 cents and you think to yourself, "What the hell just happened?" I was living on the edge so I then press the max bet again and the 2 greatest words in gambling history show up... FREE GAMES!!! And this wasn't just any ordinary free games, this was the one where the amount of free games all depends on what you press. You have to pick 3 of the same number and that would be the amount of free games you get. 5,10,15,20 then an "extra 5" which will go for all of them. I had to really focus so I went from sitting relaxed to then sitting up like I was in a close Madden Game on XBOX. I end up having free game options of 2 20's, 1 10, 1 5 and I am trying to get a 20 to get my max games, win some money, then go back to the hotel room feeling rich. When you think of clutch moments you think of "Steph Curry from way downtown... BANG" or Vince Young's "He's going to the corner..... he's got it" and now you have the "Holy shit Nick, you got 25 free games." I went full clutch mode and hit the extra 5 to make a grand total of 25 free games. I end up winning 100 dollars from those free games (which is still not impressive to be completely honest) and make it to my room, wallet not empty, double fisting mixed drinks to my room, and ready to put on Naked and Afraid on cable television getting ready to win even bigger the next day. To make the story short for the second day... I lost that money so quickly I had to spend the entire second day after 1 P.M. people watching with no money and appreciating the max AC in the hotel room. All in all... that gambling feeling is like no other and you are always trying to catch that feeling again. One day or another I think I will win the big one, but it sure as hell wasn't that day.


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